Before you head to the office and start your day, you’ll receive Digsy AI’s Daily Digest email. Our Daily Digest email will help you prioritize your day by showing your scheduled follow ups and overdue follow ups.
We even take it a step further by giving you the ability to send an Email and/or Call your contact to instantly take action. That way you can immediately start to chip away at your to-do's.
As always, Digsy AI will take every measure to save you time and effort throughout your day. Considering this, we know there are people you’ve been emailing recently, but haven’t had time to add them to Digsy AI yet.
Our Daily Digest email displays a “Recently Contacted” section which will now automatically create a Contact Profile with a click of a button!
NOTE: The “Recently Contacted” section will only work if your email is integrated with Digsy AI. 😉
Have questions? We're here to help! Email Digsy AI’s Client Success team at or simply message us using the blue chat bubble on the bottom right hand corner of your screen.